52 года (08 Февраля 1972)
Переезд невозможен
Полная занятость
31 год
Информационные технологии / IT / Интернет
Advanced Java / Kotlin backend + senior ORACLE Pl\SQL developer + Angular frontend
ORACLE since 2000, JEE since 2014, Angular since 2022
Name A b d i k a l i k o v S a t b e k, male
Address Almaty,Kazakhstan, 7-705-6103702
E-mail satbeka@gmail.com, Skype: satbeka
Nationality Kazakh
Date of birth 08.02.1972
Technical skills
and competences
Windows, Linux.SQL, PL/SQL, Java EE,Java 8, Hibernate , Web Services, RESTful, SOAP, REST, Spring Framework,Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Spring Integration, Spring Data JPA,Spring LDAP, Spring Security,MVC, IoC, Junit, Mockito, Maven, Git, CI, Bitbucket, Jenkins, JSP, JSF, Jasper Reports, Linux Mint-17, Agile Scrum, Jira, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Tomcat, ActiveMQ, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, JDBC , XML, Linux, Vagrant, Unix, HTML, GWT,CSS, Angular 13, Docker,Kotlin, Gradle, Kubernetis (argo CD), Kafka, Redis (for cash), Elasticsearch (Kibana UI), AWS cloud (Cognito, ECS, ECR, EC2,Fargate, Lambda), MongoDB.
Work experience
Dates (from – to) 11.2023 – now
Name and address of employer Halyk Bank, Almaty
Type of business or sector Expert
Occupation or position held Expert
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Microservices. Kotlin, gradle, kubernetis (argo CD), docker, kafka, redis(for cash), elasticsearch(Kibana UI), MongoDb, Spring boot, JPA, Security, MVC. Developing marketplace.
04.2024 – now
too iProd, Almaty
developing AWS cloud. Amazon Cognito user pool for authentication, Depoloy Java microservices on Amazon ECS using Amazon ECR, AWS Cli and AWS Fargate. Create AWS Lambda function. Customizing user pool workflows with Lambda triggers. EC2
Dates (from – to)
03.2022 – 10.2023
Name and address of employer AMDOCS, Cyprus
Type of business or sector Full-stack Developer
Occupation or position held Full-stack Developer.
Main activities and responsibilities Developing in ETL. Using Java back-end, Angular 13, Typescript, Kendo Angular, Kendo jQuery, IIS server, MS SQL, Oracle. Implementing Apache superset integration in Docker, Flask, python
Dates (from – to) 02.2018 – 03.2022
Name and address of employer AMDOCS, Cyprus
Type of business or sector Software Developer
Occupation or position held Software Developer.
Main activities and responsibilities developing and supporting for telecom, mobile system. System keeping history of clients mobile activities and generated bills for clients in pdf from binary extracts. System has issues in processing extracts records. Fixing algorithms in code for better performance. Delivering and customized system for new telecom customer companies. Updated bills for theirs needs. Updated Bill invoice processing. Implement a consolidation processing. Using Java, Hibernate, Spring Integration on Vagrant (use Unix command) + MySql. develop Rest(controller, POST GET ...) service. SQL, PL/ SQL scripts. UI support on Angular 4, Typescript, AWS Lambda.
Job: Back End Developer
Unit: BT (British telecom), Britain
Key Responsibilities: Delivery Amdocs products to BT.
Job: Back End Developer
Unit: EE (British telecom), Britain
Key Responsibilities: Delivery Amdocs products to EE.
Job: Back End Developer
Unit: Vodafone, Germany
Key Responsibilities: Delivery Amdocs products to VF. Develop channels and activators on Spring Integration. Develop in Java8 stream. Develop in Velocity, FOP. Develop in HTML. develop Rest (controller, POST GET ...) service. SQL, PL/ SQL scripts. Parsing and process Billing extracts. Agile Sprint. Working remotely.
Job: Back End Developer
Unit: ASTRO, Malaysia
Key Responsibilities: Develop in FOP, shell scripts. Develop in python parsing. Develop channels and activator on Spring Integration. Develop in Java8 stream. develop Rest (controller, POST GET ...) service. SQL, PL/ SQL scripts. Develop in Velocity. Develop in HTML.
Job: Back End Developer
Unit: Rogers, Canada
Key Responsibilities: Refactoring methods due to fix Sonar warnings.
Job: Analytics Developer
Unit: Tele2, Holland
Key Responsibilities: analyze and found out the reason for
bad encoding some of national symbols.
Develop in back-side.
Job: Back End Developer
Unit: Blueprint, Madrid
Key Responsibilities: Implement consolidation process with files.
Develop channels and activator on Spring Integration.
Job: Software Developer
Key Responsibilities: Java EE, Angular 2 issues.
Dates (from – to) 10.2016 – 02.2018
Name and address of employer EPAM, Minsk, Belarus
Type of business or sector Software Java engineer
Occupation or position held Software Java Engineer in Minsk.
Main activities and responsibilities Developed system for USA customer. System was controlled history of guests for worldwide hotels company. System has performance issues in ORACLE DB. Optimize sql queries. Developed new features for managements. Project was in Spring, Hibernate, Maven, Gradle, Spring Jpa, Spring MVC, RESTful and SOAP web services, GWT. Oracle. Git, Bitbucket, continuous integration on Jenkins, Agile/Scrum (USA client). Working with teams to build a Spring-Boot microservice using Docker and Kubernetes with Minikube. Rally. English B1
Dates (from – to) 04.2016 – 09.2016
Name and address of employer TOO SoftCompany, Almaty
Type of business or sector Software developing
Occupation or position held software developer (Java&PostgreSQL).
Main activities and responsibilities support and develop big financial service system in Kazakhstan. It was one central system that managed Credit history DB of clients for all banks in KZ. System was integrated with many customers’ banks via xml soap services. It has performance issues. Did optimization on SQL scripts. Moved and configured input data from banks customers to batches. Optimizing xml structure in request. Project on Play mvc, Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate, xml DTO, Web Services on Mule ESB, PostgreSql. GitLab, Linux Debian, Spring LDAP, Spring Security. Test Web Service - SpringJUnit4ClassRunner +Groovy Test. Ajax +JQuery Datatable+Play. Drools.
Dates (from – to) 04.2015 – 04.2016
Name and address of employer AO “Share Registrator”, Almaty
Type of business or sector Registration of share paper sector
Occupation or position held Main specialist in IT department.
Main activities and responsibilities Programmed, developed, tested programs, reports in “CVR” system. It was one central system for all clients in KZ. System collected history of clients shares registrations from shares stock in KASE. Supported, wrote instructions and consulted users and clients, which worked in this system. Using Oracle 11g, Java GWT, Jasper Reports, SHA, Sign verify, Pl/Sql, jsp, jsf, web service XML on SOAP. Administrated Tomcat Apachi. https://cabinet.tisr.kz. Developed report page for users (jsf, maven 3, jdbc, HTML, css , javascript), deploy war on Tomcat https://github.com/satbeka/PrjViewJsf290615. Develop ePay bank (https://epay.kkb.kz) integration with system (jsp, maven, job, Tomcat, webservice) https://github.com/satbeka/JWS.
Dates (from – to) 10.2014 – 02.2015
Name and address of employer epam.com, Karaganda
Type of business or sector Java training center in Kazakhstan
Occupation or position held student
Main activities and responsibilities
Dates (from – to)
Name and address of employer
Type of business or sector
Occupation or position held
Main activities and responsibilities
Study to Java Web Development (certificate)
09.2012 - 09.2014
AO “BTA Insurance” (www.i-bta.kz) •
Insurance (car, life)
Main specialist in IT department
Programmed, developed, tested programs, reports in “INSYS” system. www.fadata.bg/en/information_systems (Oracle forms, Oracle reports, Pl\Sql, WSDL (asb.kz) , XML on ORACLE10 database). Supported, wrote instructions and consulted users and clients, which worked in this system.
Dates (from – to) 02.2000 – 10.2014
Name and address of employer Kazakhstan
Type of business or sector Bank, insurance, risk management sector, share paper, oilgaz Maximo
Occupation or position held Oracle Database Developer &ORACLE Forms &APEX
Main activities and responsibilities Windows 95-2003, Turbo Pascal, C++, VBA, Clipper, Autocad 13, FoxPro, Dbase, SQL, Pl\SQL on ORACLE, Crystal reports 10, XML, (HTML, CSS, Java scripts basic), APEX 4, Oracle forms 10, Oracle reports 10, JasperReports 5.1. DB: Oracle9-11g, MySQL5. Working in Linux Mint-17.
Moscow Engineer-Physical Institute, Moscow (http://eng.mephi.ru/)
Kazakh National Technical University, Almaty (http://www.kazntu.kz/en/node/)
Oracle 8i: SQL & Pl\SQL (certificate)
Java Web Development (certificate)
Mother tongue Russian, Kazakh
Other languages
English (B2)
Алматы, 1989 — 1994 гг.
15 октября, 2014
Алибек Мирамбекович
Алматы local_shipping
35 лет (17 ноября 1989)
Опыт работы:
2 года и 11 месяцев
Последнее место работы:
Программист базы данных, РГП "НЦЭЛС"
03.2013 - 05.2014
27 ноября, 2015
20 000 руб
31 год ( 3 января 1994)
Опыт работы:
5 месяцев
Последнее место работы:
Воспитатель, Suleiman Demirel University
08.2013 - 01.2014
15 июля, 2015
Алматы local_shipping
34 года (29 октября 1990)
Опыт работы:
Без опыта
Резюме размещено в отрасли