Руководитель отдела научного администрирования и развития
Nurbolat NYSHANBAYEV Contact: Date of birth 12/03/199 5 Almaty, Daraboz, 59/93. Mob: +77052141166 E - mail: nyshanbaevnurbolat@gmail.c om n.nyshanbayev@turan - edu.kz Twitter: https://twitter. com/nyshanbayevnur Education ▪ 2020 to 2023 (expected) PhD on International relations at al - Faraby KazNU ▪ 2018 to 2020 Master of International Relations. The University of Queensland. School of Political Science and International studies, Brisbane, Australia (by sponsorship of “Bolashak” Presidential scholarship) ▪ 2016 June - December Bachelor of International Relations [Academic exchange program] Warsaw University (Poland, Warsaw) ▪ 2014 t o 2015 Bachelor of Political Science [ Academic exchange program] Kookmin University (South Korea, Seoul) ▪ 2013 to 2017 Bachelor of Social Science Kazakh National University named after al – Faraby. Skills and abilities * Sociability * High level of organization and time management skills. * Ability to work in a team * Administrative skills, including protocol writing, correspondence, archiving, diary keeping, and database management. * Information technology skills: Microsoft Office Suite, Internet, personal database and workflow database Languages and Computer Skills ● Languages: Kazakh (mother tongue), fluent in English, advanced in Russian ● Computer: Word processing using Microsoft Office, graphics in Illustrator,canva, Stat istics using Stata Academic work experience and internship ▪ 2020 - 202 4 (still), Eurasia In novative Scientific . Resear ch C enter ▪ 2021 January, Junior researcher at Institute for Security and Cooperation problems at KazNU named after al - Faraby ▪ 2020 March, Working on the joint project between KazNU Faraby University and Michigan University, supervised by Olcott Brill Martha. ▪ 2020 January , Lecturer at the department of Regional studies and International relations, Turan University, Almaty. ▪ 2017 August - December. Lecturer on political science and sociology at Almaty state business College (Almaty, Shevchenko str., 140 /12): http://portal.ambk.kz/course/info.php?id=82⟪=en ▪ 2016 September - December, Social Fund "Astana Alem" as the coordinator of the program. Publica tions. On scientific journals: 1. Nyshanbayev N.K, 2020, «How does the “beautiful souls” narrative shape» debate on the situation of women in militaries? «Жастар саясаты саласындағы халықаралық ынтымақтастық стратегиясы»: халықаралық ғылыми - практикалық конференциясының материалдары – Алма ты: «Тұран» университеті, 2020 ж. – 283 б. ISBN 978 - 601 - 214 - 436 - 9 https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1wg_K_QWf93zqhIv8XR7VZ7PeJjAym Nl7 2. Tolen Zh, Nyshanbayev N, 2020 “The role of the state in socio - political, economic development in international practice: politological analysis” əль - Фараби əлеуметтік гуманитарлық зерттеулер журналы № 3(71) б. 118 - 129. IPH - Издания - Журналы институт а - Журнал социогуманитарных исследований «Аль - Фараби» 3. Nyshanbayev N 2020, The impact of youth migration to the state’s security, Abay National Pedagogical University’s Herald, Section on political science and sociology. Vol 71, No 3. Available at http://sp.kaznpu.kz/docs/jurnal_file/file20201214101955.pdf 4. Nyshanbayev N, Tolen Zh, 2020 Scientific Collection «InterConf», (34): with the Proceedings of the 6 th International Scientific and Practical Conference «International Forum: Problems and Scientific Solutions» (November 6 - 8, 2020). Melbourne, Australia: CSIRO Publishing House, 2020. 818 p. ISBN 978 - 0 - 643 - 12109 - 6, Available at: https://www.interconf.top/documents/2020.11.6 - 8.pdf , https://ojs.ukrlogos.in.ua/index.php/interconf/article/view/5506 5. N.Nyshanbayev “The principle of multi - vector approach in the foreign policy of states in modern international relations: in the example of the Republic of Kazakhstan” "Harmonization of interethnic and interreligious relations in a multicultural society" Materials of the international sci entific and practical conference - Almaty, December 28, 2020, University "Turan". 260 p., Available at : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1wg_K_QWf93zqhI v8XR7VZ7PeJjAymNl 7 6. N.Nyshanbayev 2020, “Features of the new concept of kazakhstan's foreign policy: theoretical analysis” Bulliten KazNPU named after Abay, "Sociological and political sciences" series, N. 4 (72), 2020, p 136, available at : https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1wg_K_QWf93zqhIv8XR7VZ7PeJjAymNl 7 7. Nyshanbayev N, Tolen Zh, Agybai Zh, 2020, Central Asia region in the system of international relations: a conceptual analysis, Халықаралық қатынастар жəне халықаралық құқық сериясы No4 (92). 2020, https://doi.org/10.26577/IRILJ.2020. v92.i4.04 available at https ://bulletin - ir - law.kaznu.kz Certificates 1. Certificate for particip ation, InterConf scientific publishing center: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YFQce4r_T - lvPzznIKHcnKzdhjLAARdv/view?usp=sharing 2. Certificate for participation scientific con ference (72 hours) on the theme “European diplomacy and human rights”, organized by Jean Monnet Chair “European diplomacy” and ENU named after L.Gumilev : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aW_6IJ7nv0Q1KMJiQAQmETTcmrj7iveE/view?usp= sharing 3. Certificate of attendance on “Writing and Publishing in the Leadership Quarterly” 29 September2020, by Elseviere : https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CKys_oiko3DamaO3_vPCk9ZpemkVMSfI/view?usp= sharing 4. V International scientific - practical conference "THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SCIENCE: KEY ASPECTS" (November 7 - 8, 2021 in Rome, Italy) https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XMRyuE6Ss5iy0Y4YhoNn0xKaObjEa1j - ?usp=sharing Other interests Literature, translation, writing, running and cooking.
31 января, 2017
68 лет (10 января 1957)
18 января, 2017
35 лет (28 июня 1989)
18 января, 2017
46 лет (20 декабря 1978)