Преподаватель английского языка( Казахстанско-Немецкий Университет )
Malika Bassarova Baitursynov Str. 138/73 Almaty 050013, Kazakhstan +77078544730 mbassarova@gmail.com Experience NORR11, Copenhagen, Denmark 09.2022 – 04.2023 Interna -onal B2B Sales Specialist ▪Responsible for overseeing sales ac QviQes in the DACH region, North America, Central Asia, Caucasia, and South Korea ▪Nurturing connec Qons with current B2B clients and engaging with prospec Qve customers ▪Managing the placement and processing of orders, monitoring their readiness status, and ensuring Qmely delivery to meet client requirements and objec Qves ▪Formula Qng and execu Qng strategies to streamline business opera Qons, enhance sales performance, and elevate customer sa Qsfac Qon levels KAZ Minerals Management, Almaty, Kazakhstan 07.2019 – 09.2020 Translator / Assistant to Opera -ons Supply Chain Manager ▪Providing wri [en and oral transla Qon, including consecu Qve interpreta Qon for business nego QaQons, internal mee Qngs, conferences, and workshops ▪Transla Qng quarterly in-person mee Qngs with senior management and key vendors (ABB, FL Smidth, ThyssenKrupp, Michelin, CAT, MAN, Weir Minerals) ▪Execu Qng full range of daily administra Qve tasks and business assignments ▪Par Qcipa Qng in the mee Qngs held by the OSC Manager (distribu Qng materials, keeping minutes of mee Qng, informing par Qcipants of Qme, venue, and agenda) ▪Managing diary, scheduling mee Qngs and appointments, coordina Qon and organiza Qon of mee Qngs, conferences and recep Qon of visitors Syngenta Group, Almaty, Kazakhstan 06.2018 – 06.2019 Junior Account Manager / Assistant to Sales Director ▪Receiving and entering newly acquired client data and customer orders into company's ERP system, m anaging the placement and processing of orders, monitoring their readiness status, and ensuring Qmely delivery to meet client requirements and objec Qves ▪Solici Qng and maintaining rela Qonships with current and prospect B2B clients ▪Working closely with the sales team to iden Qfy and expand opportuni Qes within the designated Central Asian territory ▪Execu Qng full range of daily administra Qve tasks and business assignments ▪Managing diary, scheduling mee Qngs and appointments, coordina Qon and organiza Qon of mee Qngs, conferences and recep Qon of visitors Kazakh-French JV KATCO LLP, Almaty, Kazakhstan 11.2017 – 05.2018 Junior Procurement Specialist / Assistant in Purchasing Department ▪Conduc Qng research to iden Qfy poten Qal suppliers, solici Qng quota Qons, assessing and nego QaQng prices, payment terms, and delivery schedules ▪Procuring goods that align with the company's quan Qty and quality requirements through the Single Source Method ▪Dra hing and issuing purchase orders (POs) and agreements ▪Arranging and managing mee Qngs, conferences, business trips, team-building acQviQes, and recep Qon of visitors Kazakh Na Qonal Furniture-Producing Company STEM LLP 03.2015 – 11.2017 Execu -ve Assistant to General Director / Junior Business Developer ▪Conducted research to iden Qfy new markets and customer needs; arranged business mee Qngs with prospec Qve clients; a [ended conferences and industry events; prepared sales contracts ensuring adherence to law-established rules and guidelines, developed quotes and proposals for clients MALIKA BASSAROVA Master of Arts in Global Studies ▪ Bachelor of Business Administra Qon
Education Roskilde University, Roskilde, Denmark 09.2021 – 12.2022 Double-Diploma Program: Master of Arts in Global Studies Erasmus Mundus scholarship recipient: merit-based scholarship with full tui 8on coverage and a monthly s 8pend Focus: theories and methods of interna Qonal rela Qons, digital research methods, transna Qonal disrup Qons, Sino-Brazilian economic rela Qons Master's Thesis: “The So h Power of the Russian Language in Kazakhstan” ▪As part of RUC French Language Pro file, conducted fieldwork and interviews in Paris on the topic “French Elec Qons 2022” ▪Ac Qve member of Copenhagen Deba Qng Society (EUDC Zagreb 2022, Copenhagen Mini, Budapest Open, Amsterdam Open, Madrid WUDC 2023) University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 10.2020 – 12.2022 Double-Diploma Program: Master of Arts in Global Studies Erasmus Mundus scholarship recipient: merit-based scholarship with full tui 8on coverage and a monthly s 8pend Focus: theories and methods of global history, East Asian poli Qcs and economics, African gender studies, contemporary and ancient art Rennes School of Business, Rennes, France 09.2013 – 12.2013 Non-Degree Semester Exchange Program, Interna -onal Business French language, history and culture, entrepreneurship, financial markets and ins QtuQons, strategic and project management SolBridge Int. School of Business, Daejeon, South Korea 08.2011 – 02.2015 Bachelor of Business Administra -on, Interna -onal Finance Merit-based scholarship: 60% tui 8on waiver Focus: fundamentals of interna Qonal business, economics, marke Qng, sta QsQcs, interna Qonal business rela Qons and intercultural communica Qon with a detailed study of interna Qonal finance within the framework of East Asian management. ▪Ac Qve member of SolBridge Debate Society, Woosong University MUN Conference Par Qcipant, First-Year Seminar Student2Student Mentor, Volunteer at Dong-Bu Police O ffice Language Skills Russian (Na Qve), Kazakh (Na Qve), English (C2), French (B2), German (B1), Korean (B1), Danish (A2), Italian (A2) Driving License Class B IT-Skills SAP CO, IBM Lotus Notes, MS-O ffice: Excel, Word, PPT, Outlook References Anaïs Angelo, Elise Richter Fellow at University of Vienna anais.angelo@univie.ac.at Sung-Tae Kim, Professor at Greehey School of Business skim6@stmarytx.edu Botagoz Iglasheva, Purchasing Manager at KATCO JV LLP botagoz.iglasheva@orano.group MALIKA BASSAROVA Master of Social Sciences & Global Studies ▪ Bachelor of Business Administra Qon Malika Bassarova Baitursynov Str. 138/73 Almaty 050013, Kazakhstan +77078544730 mbassarova@gmail.com
30 сентября, 2015
46 лет ( 3 мая 1978)
26 сентября, 2014
58 лет ( 9 октября 1966)
11 марта, 2014
49 лет ( 6 сентября 1975)